About Us
We are a team of concierges focused on dental tourism, in Mexican Caribbean. We offer a personalized service from the moment you search for a dental specialist until when you get back home with a beautiful smile!
The Mexican Caribbean, for its rich cultural heritage, nice weather, Incredibles places to visit, high level of infrastructure, excellent quality of dental professionals and specialists, plus affordable dental treatments for US and Canadian citizens made the Riviera Maya one of the most popular places to visit searching for dental care. Saving more than 60% on all type of dental treatments from annual checkups to more complex cosmetic surgeries and restorations.
Mexico is second power in medical tourism worldwide and occupies the first place in dental tourism with a flow of three million patients from other countries per year.
The most requested services are implants, cosmetic dentistry treatments, such as veneers, crowns, whitening and fixed prostheses, zygomatic implants and to a lesser extent, endodontics and orthodontics.
It is quite easy to get here, with non-stopping flights from main cities in US and Canada, we are happy to assist you find that specialist that will suit your needs, the perfect hotel for you to stay at, transportation back and forward
airport – hotel - dental clinic - excursions, arrange all types of activities for you or your love ones, while you enjoy and recover your smile again, saving money and time